Output -Readme: Document for simulation result. -Data: —PC.dat: Average travel time & Survival rate for Path clean. —RG.dat: Average travel time & Survival rate for Route guidance. —TLP.dat: Average travel time & Survival rate for Traffic light preemption. —XXX_[X,A-G]_[0-9].txt: Describe position of EV in each second. —netdist.txt: Describe the proportion of road length in simulation area. —result.txt: Average travel time for all methods. -Figure: —PC.png: Figure about Average travel time & Survival rate for Path clean. —RG.png: Figure about Average travel time & Survival rate for Route guidance. —TLP.png: Figure about Average travel time & Survival rate for Traffic light preemption. —netdist.png: Figure about the proportion of road length in simulation area. —Trip_PC.png: Figure for using Path clean method. Including wait steps, time loss, duration and route length. —Trip_RG.png: Figure for using Route guidance method. Including wait steps, time loss, duration and route length. —Trip_TLP.png: Figure for using Traffic light preemption method. Including wait steps, time loss, duration and route length. -Trip: —trip_[X,A-G]_[0-9].txt: Trip information for EV. —trip.txt: Average information about EV. Including wait steps, time loss, duration and route length.